Arka Two Stage TFA
Fresh air cooling is one of the largest power guzzling utility across HVAC installations. More so tropical climatic conditions as air has higher sensible load and higher moisture levels. Conventional TFA coils use three times more chilled water to cool the fresh air before it is pumped in the space.
Arka Two Stage TFA deploys unique “ Divide and Rule” philosophy while cooling the fresh air. These Two Stage TFA combines unique air to air heat exchanger which sensibly cools the air while HVAC coil does only dehumidification resulting which reduces load on the Chiller leading to substantial energy savings.
Arka Two Stage TFA also combines modern controls and automation to handle sensible load and latent load separately.

- Process Food manufacturing facilities
- Clean rooms
- Pharma & drug manufacturing facilities.
- Semiconductor manufacturing facilities
- Chemical Industries,
- Health care facilities and Hospitals
- Kitchen of Hospitality set ups and restaurants.
- Corporate buildings, IT towers
- Poultry & hatcheries.
- Gymnasiums, spas and beauty therapy centers